Thursday, July 11, 2013

Chris Maddox on Learning

The next essay is by programmer Chris Maddox, titled "Why I say Dumb Shit". It was published on the website, which is a platform for hackers who write. He writes about "learning about learning", its importance, and what one must do to go about it.

Maddox starts by confessing that he says a lot of unintelligent things, like telling an English professor that Lil Wayne was a better linguist than Shakespeare. He admits the naivety of it, but that's the point he says - as learning takes courage to admit that you're wrong, and brash foolishness to believe that you can add anything significant on top of brilliance.

The writer talks about how one can easily be cowed by greatness, preventing one from taking back anything from it. He brings up a quote from Fahrenheit 451, that talks about mistakes, and encourages one to make them to take full advantage of it. He concludes by offering a choice to his readers - either bask in the glow of smart people, or make your opinion heard, no matter how unintelligent, and then listen.

The writers style is very informal, as the use of the word "shit" in the title itself indicates. Taking personal experiences, he tries to be motivational and inspirational, which works to an extent. He also makes use of the word "brilliance" a lot, and at times uses one sentence paragraphs to dramatise the narration. His message is clear and simple - learning is a lot about making mistakes.

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